To check if your international destination is available text Destination to 611611.
(Standard text message rates apply)
Calling destinations
Includes Landline only
Includes Landline and mobile
- Block Australia - Local Number
- Block Belgium - Alternative Network
- Block Brazil - Mobile Claro
- Brazil - Mobile Nextel
- Brazil - Mobile Oi
- Brazil - Mobile Tim
- Brazil - Mobile Vivo
- Block Bulgaria - Alternative Network
- Bulgaria - Sofia
- Block Cambodia - Fixed Metfone
- Block Chile - Audiotext
- Chile - Rural
- Block Estonia - Ngn
- Block Finland - Helsinki
- Finland - Personal
- Block Indonesia - Bandung
- Indonesia - Batam
- Indonesia - Bogor
- Indonesia - Denpasar
- Indonesia - Madiun
- Indonesia - Makassar
- Indonesia - Malang
- Indonesia - Manado
- Indonesia - Medan
- Indonesia - Proper
- Indonesia - Semarang
- Indonesia - Surabaya
- Block Israel - Mobile Palestine Jawal
- Israel - Mobile Palestine Wataniya
- Israel - Palestine
- Block Japan - Idc Only
- Japan - Ip Phone Ii
- Japan - Kdd Only
- Block Kazakhstan - Proper
- Kazakhstan - Service 1
- Kazakhstan - Service 2
- Kazakhstan - Service 3
- Block Morocco - Fix Wana
- Morocco - Satellite Wana Restraint Mobility
- Block Norway - Mobile
- Block Peru - Rural Areas
- Block Russian Federation - Zone 2
- Israel - Mobile Palestine Wataniya
- Israel - Palestine
- Block Japan - Idc Only
- Japan - Ip Phone Ii
- Japan - Kdd Only
- Block Kazakhstan - Proper
- Kazakhstan - Service 1
- Kazakhstan - Service 2
- Kazakhstan - Service 3
- Block Morocco - Fix Wana
- Morocco - Satellite Wana Restraint Mobility
- Block Norway - Mobile
- Block Peru - Rural Areas
- Block Russian Federation - Zone 2
* International service available to select destinations which are subject to change at any time and for calls originating from the U.S. and Puerto Rico only. No international roaming. Unlimited calling service is available up to twenty one (21) unique international numbers per month.